
New-GitBook builds a GitBook


New-GitBook [-GitBookPath] <String> [-TempPath] <String> [[-UserName] <String>] [[-Password] <String>] [-Buildserver] [<CommonParameters>]


New-GitBook builds a GitBook without any system wide requirments. In detail New-GitBook performs following tasks:

  • Fixing npm bugs
  • Installing GitBook in a TempPath
  • If on a build-server, credentials will be stored in a local _netrc in temp path
  • Install all npm modules of the book


-GitBookPath <String>

The path to the GitBook to build. (Gitbook build outputs to $GitBookPath_book.)

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
1 true false false

-TempPath <String>

A local temporary path, to use for GitBook and as USEREPROFILE on build server.

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
2 true false false

-UserName <String>

The UserName for Git repository

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
3 false false false

-Password <String>

The Password for Git repository

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
4 false false false

-Buildserver <SwitchParameter>

If $true, credentials will be written to _netrc and some hacks done to solve problems with x86 and x64 problems. The problem is that the USERPROFILE of the Teamcity Agent under C:\Windows\system32 is and therefore it is different under x86 or x64

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
named false False false false


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

New-GitBook ./docs ./temp user pw -Buildserver

results matching ""

    No results matching ""