
Create a new book for all bob machines.


New-BobTheBook [-OutputLocation] <String> [-Username] <String> [-Password] <SecureString> [-BobTheBook] <String> [<CommonParameters>]


New-BobTheBook clones all bob machines, creates a book from their documentation and merges all to one big "Bob - The Book"


-OutputLocation <String>

The path to the location, where the repos should be cloned and the book written.

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
1 true false false

-Username <String>

The username for the git repository.

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
2 true false false

-Password <SecureString>

The password for the git repository.

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
3 true false false

-BobTheBook <String>

The path to the book which should be used as base for the book.

Position Required Default value Accept pipeline input Accept wildchard characters
4 true false false


-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

New-BobTheBook D:\temp\bobthebook -Username yannis -Password Pass@word$ -BobTheBook D:\sources\bob-thebook

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