
Wendy is Bob's business partner who runs the office and keeps the business in order, and often organizes tools and equipment. Therefore, Wendy is in charge of the configuration and settings for the machines.

This settings are all saved in the Bob.config file located in the App_Config folder of the *.Website project.


The Bob.config is a Xml-File. Each setting should be one child-node of Configuration. A setting value can be either a string or XML elements.


Next to Bob.config a Bob.config.user can be created by each developer for settings which are different on his environment. When a configuration entry is specified in the Bob.config.user this setting overwrites the value of Bob.config if the value is a string. If the value is a collection of XML elements, the elements from Bob.config and Bob.config.user are merged to one collection.

NuGet Package

Each machine which depends on Bob.config should have a dependency to Unic.Bob.Wendy. This package adds a PowerShell module for reading the config file through an API and a sceleton of the files Bob.config and Bob.config.user.

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