Keith Chapman is the writer of the TV serie Bob the Builder. In our Bob world, Keith is responsible for the generation of an API documentation for PowerShell based machines.
To integrate Keith in a bob machine, simply add a paket dependency to "Unic.Bob.Keith" and add the following PowerShell script to the root of the repository and name it generateDocs.ps1:
param($username, $password, [switch]$Buildserver)
$PSScriptRoot = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
$module = "MyModuleName"
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\packages\Unic.Bob.Keith\Keith"
Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\src\$module" -Force
New-PsDoc -Module $module -Path "$PSScriptRoot\docs\" -OutputLocation "$PSScriptRoot\docs-generated"
New-GitBook "$PSScriptRoot\docs-generated" "$PSScriptRoot\temp" $username $password -Buildserver:$Buildserver
The script is executed on each commit on TeamCity and is also used by Bob - The Book.
To generate the docs you need to have GitBook installed.
Bob - The book
Bob - The Book is the full documentation of Bob. To create a new edition use the New-BobTheBook
It creates a book based on the general documentation and the documentation of all Bob machines.
To create a new Version of Bob - The Book start a new build on (tbd)