
Benny provides functionality to perform deployments of single files without a whole deployment. When Benny is installed to a Solution, as soon as Visual Studio will be started, Benny watches for changes on the file system and deploys them to the coresponding web root.

How to use Benny in my Project?

To install Benny into your solution simply install the NuGet package "Unic.Bob.Benny"

PM> Install-Package Unic.Bob.Benny

After the package is installed a file-system-watcher is initilized. This watcher watches for changes to files in the Website-project, which matches "BennyFilter" and have set their build action to "Content". Following keys of Bob.config are important for Benny:

Key Description Example
BennyFilter A list of file-matches which Benny looks for changes. The matches must be separated by semicolons. The matches are relative to the project-root folder. This means App_Config\*.config will match App_Config\Unic.config but not Dummy\App_Config\Unic.config. *.cshtml; App_Config\*.config

Technical Documentation

Benny is basically a NuGet package with a PowerShell module loaded in the init.ps1.

The file-watcher will be started as soon as the PowerShell module is loaded.

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